Etsy (NAS:ETSY) — mrkt cap $5.6B; Price $49.33; EV/EBITDA 17
MORE RESEARCH NEEDED. Etsy is the largest marketplace for handmade and custom goods. Its share price has retraced to 2019 levels due to a decline in discretionary spending. However, key platform indicators such as gross merchandise sales and the number of buyers and sellers have continued to rise. Etsy’s active buyers and sellers now stand at approximately 96 million and 9 million, respectively. The company has initiated new growth strategies, such as ‘Gift Mode,’ which aims to reduce search costs for gifts. Given that gifting is a high-stakes occasion, optimizing gift discovery could become a significant growth driver. Large Language Models help reduce search costs and could greatly benefit platforms with a highly heterogeneous mix of goods and services such as Etsy. We will monitor the execution of its AI implementation closely.
Unisys (NYSE:UIS) — mrkt cap $433mm; Price $6.25; EV/EBITDA NA
PASS. Unisys is a global IT company offering end-device management, cloud and infrastructure services, security solutions, and software for businesses and governments. Its share price has remained flat over the past decade, as revenue growth has stagnated. Recently, Unisys has refocused on its core operations, divesting non-core segments and using cash generated from its enterprise computing segment to expand its digital and cloud solutions divisions. While the company has made commendable progress in cost management and is nearing GAAP profitability, it has yet to demonstrate consistent execution and growth.
Zoom (NAS:ZM) — mrkt cap $22B; Price $72.12; EV/EBITDA 16.8
PASS. Churn rates for Zoom’s core business have been impressively stable, especially considering the fierce competition from Teams and Google Meet. The platform’s nuanced functionalities and customer habits have engendered a degree of stickiness. However, it’s tough to move forward without more clarity on their growth. Zoom is attempting transitioning from a one product company (video conferencing) to a comprehensive worker platform, driven by AI. They’ve had traction with products like Zoom Phone and Contact Center, and enterprise customers using multiple products now account for 66% of their annual recurring revenue. But to fully succeed on this transition, they will need to execute high risk growth strategies to succeed and will be increasingly acquisitive. Passing for now.